Who We Are

Woman holding a small dog chatting with a man holding a coffee mug in an office hallway.

Steerpath was founded 2013 by three curious engineers to create scalable indoor positioning and mapping solution to help us navigate inside buildings we spent 90% of our time in. 2018 our customers asked us to apply that same technology and knowhow to modern workplaces. Ever since we have dedicated our efforts to designing hybrid workplace solution that helps employees and teams maximise the benefits that the freedom to work anywhere have introduced.

Our product development and design is located in Finland which gives us opportunity to operate directly with our partners and customers from East Cost US to East Asia. Our global network of workplace consultants and system integrators keeps us up to speed where the fast paced work culture is heading.

How to contact

You can also reach us by phone, email or via contact form below.


Steerpath Oy
Alberga Business Park
Bertel Jungin aukio 3
02600 Espoo

Tel: +358 9 23161155
Email: sales@steerpath.com

Business ID: 2562705-3
VAT number: FI25627053