Tutorials & Knowledge base
No matter if you are a curious user of Steerpath Hybrid Workplace solutions or an admin user looking to learn how to manage an office floorplan or use workplace analytics - this is the place to learn all of that.
New courses are added regularly. In case a feature or use case you were instructions for is not found, please let us know and we will add it as soon as possible.
Content here is created together with our users and based on learnings from live training sessions. If you find any parts hard to understand, outdated or missing information, do not hesitate to let us know - let’s keep on making these tutorials and guides better together.
Basics of Steerpath App
Lesson 1: Installing & Logging into the app
You learn how to get started with Steerpath Hybrid Workplace app. Select the right platform and log in with SSO and connect your calendar for meeting room booking.
Lesson 2: My team and week plan
Learn how to do your first weekplan and create myteam. Lesson also goes through some of the more advanced functionalities of MyTeam such as seaching where colleague is working.
Admin tools
Setting up integrations