Sustainability and ecology by sharing office spaces
Share Office Space
Sustainable way to use offices
Share yours with others
Reduce waste and increase collaboration with other organisations.
Add 3rd spaces
Connect fixed office with co-working and other 3rd partly workspaces.
Share underutilised space with other companies
Efficient use of spaces in modern multi-location working practises requires large enough pool of users. For many companies sharing part of the office with other companies make sense both financially but also would allow more lively and attractive social environment to work in also during days when there are less people at the office from own organisation.
Create network of workspaces
Looking for way to connect co-working centers or satellite offices as seamless and integral part of your workplace network? Steerpath is designed for making it easy for employees use multiple office locations as easily as one. Weekplan and MyTeam features allow teams easily meet also in locations outside of dedicated office spaces.